Thursday, September 30, 2010

John Proctor: Hero or Stoog?

I think that Mr. Proctor over in the hisssouse was a hero. I think he was a hero because he died with honor. He did this by not signing a paper that said he was a witch/wizard. I think that he was a hero because after he had the affair with Abagail he cut it off because he was married and he knew it was wrong. i also think that he is a gero because he was like "i may look up at your window time to time, but he still doesnt act upon the urge to see her. Saying he can control himself and he is somewhat trust worthy.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

sinners in the hands of an angry god!>!>!>!>!>!

"And if you do anything wrong he will drop you into the endless pit of fire!!!!", yelled the preacher. "Mommy i want to go home, he's scaring me! He wont let me do anything fun!", i said in a trembling voice. It was as if she could not even hear me... the way my parents were sucked up by what this obviuosly crazy man was saying. But i wouldnt end! I cried for my dad next. "Daddy this senile man is scaring me!" Like in a trance he was still sucked into what he was saying! Then i made my way for the door. thinking this was my only way to save myself. When the senile man yelled, "hey you there Boy, where are you going in the middle of my serman?" All i could think was oh my God im going to die, either from humiliation or this man's evil stare will end me for sure. He repeated, "hey you there Boy, where are you going in the middle of my serman?" At this time i grew a backbone and said, "I am leaving you crazy old man, im becoming a Catholic were im allowed at least some freedom." As i look back to this day i realized what a horrible desicion i made... All of his followers, even my parents, started chasing me out of the village. All i remember was me running and running. Then was all black...And then there was light! Glorious light! When i was coming to i saw the faces of my grandparents, who were Catholic. They said, "son you are safe here eat, sleep, and do whatever you want from now on."

Thursday, September 16, 2010

And there Goes the Neighborhood!!!

Genghis Khan!!! And there goes Asia. Genghis Khan was the ruler who united nomadic tribes. Born in 1162 and died in 1227. During those 65 years of his life he made the Mongolian Empire. He conquered many places such as Western Xia, Caucasus, and the Khwarezmid Empire. At all of the places there were mass slaughters. And so he was considered a brutal person. At the end of his life he controled most of Central Asia and China. He was buried in an unmarked tomb where it is still lost today.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The First

Hello! My name is Clark Shimoda and I'm a sophomore this year. I am Japanese and like the stereotype i loveee science, but I'm still not to great at it. I came into this school year thinking about how hard it was going to be. I still am wondering. I played hockey since i was 6 years old and i personally think its the best sport in the world. My position in hockey was left defence men or left winger. I think I'm still better being a defence men though. My second favorite thing to do is hang out with my friends,  usually playing paintball or golf, and have a good time. And my third favorite thing to do is reading a good book, which i consider fantasy or science fiction, for hours on end or cover to cover.
But lastly i have to say my most favorite past time is to watch a good movie. Some good movies i watched this summer were Battlestar Gallactica Razor, To Kill A Mocking Bird, and many many more. The best movie i saw this summer though i would have to say was Dinner For Shmucks. It had Steve Carrel in it and it was hilarious. And lastly i am hopping to have a good year in school again.