Thursday, September 9, 2010

The First

Hello! My name is Clark Shimoda and I'm a sophomore this year. I am Japanese and like the stereotype i loveee science, but I'm still not to great at it. I came into this school year thinking about how hard it was going to be. I still am wondering. I played hockey since i was 6 years old and i personally think its the best sport in the world. My position in hockey was left defence men or left winger. I think I'm still better being a defence men though. My second favorite thing to do is hang out with my friends,  usually playing paintball or golf, and have a good time. And my third favorite thing to do is reading a good book, which i consider fantasy or science fiction, for hours on end or cover to cover.
But lastly i have to say my most favorite past time is to watch a good movie. Some good movies i watched this summer were Battlestar Gallactica Razor, To Kill A Mocking Bird, and many many more. The best movie i saw this summer though i would have to say was Dinner For Shmucks. It had Steve Carrel in it and it was hilarious. And lastly i am hopping to have a good year in school again.


  1. Dinner For Schmucks was an awesome movie :D

  2. Clark. Nice to meet you. I didn't know you liked Science! aha
