Thursday, October 7, 2010

Us Vs. Them/Us and Them?!?!

Everything dies. It's a fact. The question is whether or not something could be done to prevent it. All of the times on the news people are getting shot and killed in stupid accidents. These deaths can all be stopped if someone put thought into what they were about to do. Like when a gang member gets killed from a rival gang, instead of going out looking for that guy you should end the cycle. The thing people have to learn is an eye for an eye doesnt solve anything in the long run. And all of the accidental deaths that are stupid. Like when someone is driving and painting thier nails. Any person knows that it only takes about 2-3 minutes to paint your nails, instead they are going to drive worrying abou thier nails. Next thing you know billy-bob from down the block just got hit by your car. What i'm trying to say is that someone has to stand up and say, "i am going to stop the cycle of violnce!". then more and more people will follow and the world will be a utopia.


  1. there's always someone who stands up to say, "i am going to stop the cycle of violence". that's why we have law and law enforcement. everything dies. it's a fact. but does violence ever die?

  2. everything doesn't die... everyone dies. ideas like racism are passed on through communities and families and these ideals are what create strife. violence will always exist as long as someone wants something.
