Monday, November 29, 2010


The person i am thankful for in my class I would have to say is.....eddy! I would have to say i thankful for mr. Obermeyer because we had to struggle through the worst freshman connection, whether it was our class faults or the lazy attitude most of us had. we also had the draggiest spanish class ever. everyday we would count down the class minutes until...finally it was over. eddy has to be the coolest basketball-soccer combinatioin ever, even though he doesnt have his coolest most awesome YOGA water bottle.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I am the best plow ;)

Me! You ask who I am??? I am the best plow in the world! I wake up every morning and stretch my wooden ligaments. Then off to a wonderful day in the corn fields. My job is to turn the soil to get the nutrients up, and to bury the weeds for more nutrients. The best part of my job is that I get to be pulled by these huge, monsterous beasts( I don't know what they are called but I call them gallopers). After being pulled In the fields till nightfall I return to my shed, where I will wait until tomorrow to do it all over again. Awww not again!!! The put me into a galloper's poo again.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Modern day slavery

Slavery a thing of the past? No! It's still very real. It has taken over 27million
people. This is still a small number compared to the past, but it needs to be abolished for good! An example of modern day slavery is how illegal imagrants are treated. They come here trying to male a Better life for their famliy or themsleves. Then they try to get jobs and the only ones they can find are jobs that require lots of physical endurance. Basically all the jobs that all the Americans don't want because they are to lazy to do amything besides eat at "da mickey D's". (Hooray for stereotypes?!) Well to top off the modernday slavery all of the workers get paid below minimum wage and work in bad conditions.

Can you see how the resemblance between the slaves of the past and the "slaves" of modern day?They both have below standards work conditions, work for litle to no money, and they are all being segragates against.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Goody McCarthy is a PURITAN!!!

In Salem there were witch trials that accused more than 200 people. These witch trials happened in the years 1692 and 1693. Of all these 200 people 20 were executed. after the execution of these 20 people the colony admitted that the trails were a misake. The families got compensated and then there were books, such as the crucible, made about this infamous event.
The puritans were a group of people who believed that the way of god was the only way there was. they made their society into a theocracy. a theocracy is when the government is based on a religion.
Nathaniel hawthorne was a short story writer who lived from 1804-1864. He is best known for his book "the Scarlet Letter". his view on humans awas a dark view at the most.