Monday, November 1, 2010

Goody McCarthy is a PURITAN!!!

In Salem there were witch trials that accused more than 200 people. These witch trials happened in the years 1692 and 1693. Of all these 200 people 20 were executed. after the execution of these 20 people the colony admitted that the trails were a misake. The families got compensated and then there were books, such as the crucible, made about this infamous event.
The puritans were a group of people who believed that the way of god was the only way there was. they made their society into a theocracy. a theocracy is when the government is based on a religion.
Nathaniel hawthorne was a short story writer who lived from 1804-1864. He is best known for his book "the Scarlet Letter". his view on humans awas a dark view at the most.


  1. Okay so I read your blog twice seeing if I missed something hinting about your title. I don't get it, but thats okay I don't get alot of things. Your blog was good but you should really try to reread it before publishing it you have a lot of mistakes. I liked though that you touched on all the subjects we were suppose to research it showed that you understood all the subjects. Next time you see me please explain the title.

  2. Nice, you just put that as your title just to get views just like every other desperate youtube video.
